


At the outset, as aforementioned, we propose to try and reach out to the hearts of the Divine Souls who have descended on earth, and are scattered all over the world in different castes, creeds, colors and genders, by scripting some Prayers and Reflections (both in Hindi and English) which might germinate the Divine seed within the heart of any such Divine Soul who chances to read them. If and when their soulful Prayers or Reflections reach the Eternal Supreme Lord (Poorna Brahma Paramatma), HE will certainly stimulate that Divine Soul's eagerness to know about his or her Real Identity..

Because, it is only Paramatma (Supreme Lord) WHO awakens HIS ‘fractional-form’ Souls, by explaining the illusory nature of this Universe. HE breaks the shackles of delusion (Maya) cast upon them. In order to aid HIS devotees to cross over this unsurmountable ‘worldly-ocean’, Paramatma, Ocean of Mercy, HIMSELF descends into the world donning a human body. Can we ever recognize HIS Real Personality with our limited intellect?!... “Yes.!..HE can be recognized only through heart’s-eyes.!..”... Becoming Sadguru, Paramatma has arrived here in this world;...and, ingressing HIS heart’s sheen, knowledge, Divine force, and power into HIS fractional-form Souls, he makes them alike HIMSELF. Who is a “Sadguru”?!.. He, who dispels our doubts, who arouses us out of delusion, and who unites us with the Supreme Lord's Truth; He alone is ‘Sadguru’;....The Paramatma seated within His heart alone can awaken us. Recognize Him through these signs. He is indeed someone ‘RARE’.!..

[[..NOTE… After reading these “Prayers and Reflections”, please feel free to share it with your friends. Who knows, any one of your friends could be a Divine-Soul.!!..]]..


Friends, as we go into this first prayer, let’s try and see its significance. Because this prayer is capable of awakening the hidden Divine seed within the Divine Soul who has descended in this illusory world drama. How so?..If asked…Friends.!...

Just as one does not have to ask the Sun for light, or ask flowers for fragrance;... rather by merely going near them they automatically spread their fragrance to us.!...

 In the same way, one does not have to ask the Supreme Divine for anything ;.. by merely going under HIS refuge, HE HIMSELF bestows everything.!. 

Offering our absolute-loving-prostrations at the Holy feet of such a ‘Divine-Personification form ‘Sadguru', let’s surrender unto Him.!.. If at all one is a Divine-Soul, the hidden seed within will automatically start germinating..That is the power of this Prayer. 

(So let’s begin by offering our obeisance to Him.!.)..

            Salutations to Sadguru


Vandon satguru caran ko, Karun so prem praṇām ;

Aśubha haraṇ mangal karaṇ, Śrī devcandrajī nām.

Salutations at Sadguru’s Holy feet, by offering absolute-loving prostrations;

The remover of all evil portents, Shri Devachandraji is His name.



This is meant to be both an individual and collective prayer offering prostrations to Paramatma-Personification Sadguru Shri Devchandraji. The deeper significance of the prayer would be as follows:

“O Sadguru, the commencement of any work, if done by seeking Your blessings, by offering absolute-loving prostrations at Your feet, then, by the very potency of Your feet all evil portents, obstacles, etc. get removed”. Because it is only on account of your purification alone that all these get removed. And the power of Maya becomes sluggish. And everything becomes auspicious. That is the power in your name, “Shri Devchandraji”. We surrender at Your Lotus feet, and Your Divine Personification. Crores of salutations untoYou. 


Śrī prāṇnātha nij mūl pati, Śrī mehrāj sunām;

Tej kunvarī śyāmā yugal ko, Pal pal karūn pranām.


Shri Prannath my Soul’s consort, with Shri Meheraj as ‘esteemed-name’;

Shri Shyama, with esteemed-name ‘Tej Kunwari’ – to "THAT” Twin-Personification,

I offer my Salutations every second.



“Shri Prannath” is my Soul's consort with whom is my Soul's original relationship from HIS Eternal Divine Abode Itself.!. HIS noble name in the world is 'Shri Meheraj'. Which means 'One who is lustrous like the Sun and illuminates everything'. Along with HIM is seated his better-half Personification “Shri Shyama”, whose noble name in the world is 'Tejkunwari'. Every second I offer my loving pranams to this Twin-Personification..


Praṇām karūn sab sāth ko, Dharī carṇon men śīś;

Dās jānī dayā karo, Buddhi dyo baksīs.


I offer Salutations to all Beautiful Co-souls (Sundarsath), laying my head at their feet ;

Deeming me as a divine-server (sevak), confer the gift of ‘sacred-sense’.



Saluting the feet of Guru, I offer my salutations to all Beautiful Co-souls, laying my head at their feet. O Beloved.!. Considering me as YOUR sacred-server, I entreat YOU to be compassionate upon me and confer the gift of ‘sacred-sense’ upon me.

-Prem Pranam-