


The reader of this thesis may find this title intriguing..!..And rightly
so..!..Everyone has heard of a human being with a “spirit” within him.
But this writer seems to be positing that there are “Divine Souls” on this earth right now..!..That’s right..!..You guessed right..!
It is proposed to present a series of essays, articles, etc. with the sole intention of reaching out to such Divine Souls who are said to be scattered all over the world, in all castes, creeds, colors, and genders. They would be stirred to know more about their origin after reading these theses. These series of theses are being presented with the fervent hope that they would kindle the seed of Divinity within such a Divine Soul which has descended into a pure-spirit (shuddha-jiva) on this earth… Given below are a few Prayers & Reflections, intended to touch the hearts of A Divine Soul.!..

(Of A Divine-Soul)..

At the outset, as aforementioned, we propose to try and reach out to the hearts of the Divine Souls who have descended on earth, and are scattered all over the world in different castes, creeds, colors and genders, by scripting some Prayers and Reflections (both in Hindi and English) which might germinate the Divine seed within the heart of any such Divine Soul who chances to read them. If and when their soulful Prayers or Reflections reach the Eternal Supreme Lord (Poorna Brahma Paramatma), HE will certainly stimulate that Divine Soul's eagerness to know about his or her Real Identity..
Because, it is only Paramatma (Supreme Lord) WHO awakens HIS ‘fractional-form’ Souls, by explaining the illusory nature of this Universe. HE breaks the shackles of delusion (Maya) cast upon them. In order to aid HIS devotees to cross over this unsurmountable ‘worldly-ocean’, Paramatma, Ocean of Mercy, HIMSELF descends into the world donning a human body. Can we ever recognize HIS Real Personality with our limited intellect?!... “Yes.!..HE can be recognized only through heart’s-eyes.!..”... Becoming Sadguru, Paramatma has arrived here in this world;...and, ingressing HIS heart’s sheen, knowledge, Divine force, and power into HIS fractional-form Souls, he makes them alike HIMSELF. Who is a “Sadguru”?!.. He, who dispels our doubts, who arouses us out of delusion, and who unites us with the Supreme Lord's Truth; He alone is ‘Sadguru’;....The Paramatma seated within His heart alone can awaken us. Recognize Him through these signs. He is indeed someone ‘RARE’.!..
Just as one does not have to ask the Sun for light, or ask flowers for fragrance;... rather by merely going near them they automatically spread their fragrance to us.!...
In the same way, one does not have to ask Paramatma for anything ;.. by merely going under HIS refuge, HE HIMSELF bestows everything.!.
Offering our absolute-loving-prostrations at the Holy feet of such a ‘Paramatma Swaroop Sadguru', Let’s surrender unto Him.!..
(Let’s begin by offering our obeisance to Him.!.)..

(परमात्मा ही अपने अंश रूपी आत्माओं को इस संसार की वास्तविकता समझाकर जगाते हैं। माया के बंधनों को तोड़ते हैं । अपने भक्तों को इस दुस्तर संसार सागर से पार लगाने के लिए कृपा के सागर परमात्मा स्वयं मानव तन धारण करके दुनियां में पधारते हैं। किंतु इनके यथार्थ स्वरूप की पेहचान अपनी अल्प बुद्धि से हम कैसे करें ?! " दिल की आंखों से इन्हें पहचानिए ! " क्योंकि परमात्मा सतगुरु बनकर पधारे हैं और अपने दिल की रोशनी, ज्ञान, जोश और शक्ति अपने अंश रूपी आत्माओं में प्रवेश कराकर उन्हें अपने ही समान बना लेते हैं। जो हमारे संशयों को दूर करे , भरम से हमें उभारे और परम सत्य के साथ हमारा ऐक्य कराए यही हैं सतगुरु , इन के हृदय में विराजमान परमात्मा ही हमें जगाते हैं। इन्हीं लक्षणों से इन्हें पहचानिए ! ये तो कोई विरला ही हैं। जैसे सूर्य से रोशनी या फूलों से खुशबू मांगनी नहीं पड़ती है बल्कि उनके पास जाने से अपने आप ही वो प्रदान कर देते हैं वैसे ही परमात्मा से कुछ मांगना नहीं पड़ता है, उनकी शरण में जाने से वे सब कुछ स्वयं ही प्रदान कर देते हैं। ऐसे परमात्मा स्वरूप सतगुरु के श्री चरणों में अखंड दंडवत प्रेम प्रणाम कर हम समर्पित होते हैं।

[[..NOTE… After reading these “Prayers and Reflections”, please feel free to share it with your friends. Who knows, any one of your friends could be a Divine-Soul.!!..]]..