

The Eternal Infinite Divine Reality is an Eternal secret. THIS SUPREME TRUTH IS THE ONLY REALITY. Everything else is merely a projection of this Supreme Eternal Truth. This Supreme Truth expresses ITSELF as Eternal Infinite Divine  Consciousness, and is spoken of as ”Non-dual”, in the sense that there is only ONE Eternal Divine Consciousness, “WHICH IS, WAS, AND WILL BE”. When there was no universe, when there was “nothing”, no atom or sub atom, no Truth of Falsehood, no pairs-of-opposites, no good-evil, no pleasure-pain, at that time “What was there?!”.. There was only this ”ETERNAL INFINITE CONSCIOUSNESS”.!..

  • How is this Eternal Infinite to be comprehended?...The Hindu scriptures say :-




The above Gospel is taken from the original Hindu scriptures, which goes as:-

पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं, पूर्णात्पूर्णमुदच्यते ।
पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥

 शांतिः  शांतिः शांतिः॥ ……

NOTE :-  From now on this “ ETERNAL DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS ” shall be termed as the “ Divine ”.

This Eternal Truth is represented by a Divine Impersonal Personal Form, having HIS own Supreme Abode, HIS better-half, and HIS own Divine Souls, with whom HE has HIS Eternal Divine pastimes in HIS Divine Consciousness arena.

(Now, quite a few realized masters had/have predicted that these Divine Souls will manifest in this present earth, which is termed as Special. In the various scriptures it has been said that ”this universe” is an illusion, and that it is happening in the heart of the creator. However, no one has explained ”the ‘cause’ for this illusory universe?”... The best explanation given is that the Creator created this universe for his own entertainment or lila or sport, out of his power (which is termed as Maya in the hindu scriptures)..!..Therefore all the constituents of this universe are the in-built constituents of Maya, just as cream, curd, butter, etc. are inherent in milk and cannot be seen, but have to be churned out.!..In the same way, realized masters claim that the truth of this universe can be comprehended only by the study of the holy scriptures. Each scripture has described the process of creation according to the understanding and experiences of their  respective realized masters. However, everyone has unanimously acknowledged that the Supreme Eternal Divine Truth cannot be described through finite words.!..

The question then arises in the mind, that if this universe is illusory, then how can the Divine Souls descend in this illusory earth? And why at all should they descend in this miserable world?! Friends, if these questions and similar questions have been bothering you, then please continue to read the information that shall be posted in this Website, based on revelations of the Saint who appeared in the 16th/17th century, during the reign of the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb. HE is believed to be the partial incarnation of the Divine Lord. HE has revealed the Cause for this illusory world. (He revealed that, ” This entire illusory world drama is projected by the Supreme Eternal Lord in HIS heart..)... WHY??!!...

[[...More details on this aspect shall be posted gradually in this Website. Keep watching..!..In case the above interpolations have kindled the curiosity within you to know more, then certainly you have symptoms of a “Divine Soul” within you. You yourself shall be the best judge to arrive at a conclusion. Please keep reading the postings on this Website. 

In the meantime it would be worthwhile asking yourself a few questions like, “Who am I?”, ”Where have I come from?”, ”What is this world?”, ”Is it perishable or imperishable”, ”Am I perishable or imperishable?”, ”Is there a Creator for this world?”, ”Is the Creator within this world or without?”, etc. etc. 

And if you have been harbouring a strange feeling within you that you do not belong to this world, then you certainly have “something” within you which is uncommon.!..This strange feeling is termed as “awakening of the spirit within”.!..]]...

NOTE:- Please feel free to contact the author of this Website for any queries that may arise in your mind. You are most welcome. Who knows, we may embark on a spiritual journey together?!...May the Divine shower HIS Grace upon you.